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Loved Each Other Like Diamonds

It was when i was 12 years that i saw a guy in my class.(lets call him sushil). He was very cute, and i started to fall in love with him. After a 1 month one of his friends came and told me that sushil had a liked me, at first i was very happy, but i was wandering if they were playing a prank on me so i didn’t believe them. But one day sushil came and told me that he liked me alot. I was very happy i was almost going to jump with joy. From then sushil and i were boyfriend & girlfriend. Everyone knew that we were kind of going out. But we weren’t aloud to go on dates. We loved each other more than anything in the whole world. When christmas vacations came and the other holidays we would always go to the auditorium and hug and talk for a long time. It was the best moments of my life. We would not stop saying how much we would miss each other.
When we came back from our vacation sushil and me and my friends told each other how much fun we had. But sushil and me knew that each other missed each other alot. One day the school said that we were going for a picnic to a resort. So sushil and i sat together(obviously) and we didn’t have that much of privacy, but it was fun to hear the jokes that my friends told. when we reached the place sushil, me and our friends were always together. But unfortunately my friend went and broke her leg in that place. So all of my friends were always behind her, even sushil he always kept asking her what she wanted and didn’t care about me. So, i got a bit angry and went some where , where no one find me. But the sushil followed me and we were in that lonely place alone.
While coming back sushil didn’t speak a word to me when i was sitting with him in the bus. Later for valentines day he was the only guy in the whole school to give a girl(me) a card asking me to be his valentine. He was the only guy in the whole. No one in the school would ever do it. It was very nice it had little hearts almost every where. I wanted to hug him there but the teacher was there. Many weeks went by and the exams came. Sushil would come and wait for me outside the class after he finished his exam. Luckily none of...


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