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Mirza Sahiba’s Story

A long time ago, in the village of Khewa, a town in the Sial Territory of Punjab, there was a woman who gave birth to a baby boy. Unfortunately, she died after giving birth so she was not able to give milk to her son. However, there was another woman nearby who had recently given birth to a girl. This woman took it upon herself to help the little boy. She fed this boy as she did her own daughter.

Thus, as is the custom for such occasions, these two children became “milk siblings” because they were given the same milk to drink. Later as the children became adults, the girl, named Fateh Bibi, got married and moved a day’s journey on horseback away to the village of Danababad near present-day Faisalabad. Fateh Bibi married a man named Wanjal and they had a strong son named Mirza.

Meanwhile, Fateh Bibi’s milk brother, no longer a boy but a man named Khewa Khan, stayed in his village. He also married and had a daughter named Sahiba.

When it was time to enroll the young children in school, Mirza’s parents had decided to send him to his “milk uncle’s” house so he could get educated there. Sahiba’s father enrolled her and her “cousin” into classes to learn the Quran together since they were of the same age.

Mirza did not know that his “cousin” Sahiba was such a beauty one can only dream of beholding. He did not notice her at first when he came to Khewa to study because they were just children. But as the two children grew into adolescence, feelings of love began to blossom between the two.

One day, while walking back from school, the adventurous, young Mirza took a different path home. On that street there was a bazaar. Here he saw Sahiba buying some vegetables for her family. He watched as she asked for various squashes and leaves to cook. When the merchant began to weigh her purchases, he weighed out extra because he was lost in her beauty. Mirza, too, was transfixed by her gracefulness and raced all the way home fueled by love.

As he grew older, Mirza learned to be a skilled horseman and archer. He rode on a powerful steed named Bakki who swiftly maneuvered through the land. Mirza was so skillful that every arrow he shot would willfully go exactly where he wanted. Sahiba only grew more and more beautiful with time.

Soon, their love began to blossom. Mirza could not live without his Sahiba. They were lost in their own world. Once, when Sahiba had pronounced her lessons incorrectly, her maulvi beat her with a chimmak. This thin branch gives a person a burning sting when swatted with it. As Sahiba received her punishment with the chimmak, she spoke to the maulvi.

“Why are you burning me with this punishment when I’m already burning with love?”

Sadly, their days of blissful love did not last. Sahiba’s parents...


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9 Comments on “Mirza Sahiba’s Story”

  • I want a book
    plz tell me where bye i this book
    +918556905371 plz

  • wow amazing love story…….

  • please translate this story in hindi language. plz

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